We rented a farmhouse on a small farm in Ireland. The farm had 50 beef cows and two bulls. One of the bulls was huge and looked like a buffalo, he was a big chicken too. The farm was run by a husband and wife. The husband’s name was Martin and the wife’s name was Marian. They were super nice and welcoming. They also had three chickens and two dogs. The dogs names were Heidi and Bramble. Bramble was a boy and Heidi was his mom and the more playful one. Heidi spent most of her time chasing the chickens and nipping at the cows legs. Everyday if Lilia and I had time, we would go help Martin with the cows. Martin had a separate barn for the younger cows, calves and their moms. One of the calves kept getting out so Martin, Lilia and I had to put him back in with his mom. It was hard to say goodbye to the farm.