Kids Corner

Lipizzaner Horse Show 🏇🏻

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On Sunday I woke up with so much excitement in my head because I new I was going to the Spanish Riding School to watch the Lipizzaner horses do their magic. Mom and I left early but I think we left a little to early because we had time to go to the gift shop (I bought a calendar and some mints), sit down at a cafe and have a drink and go pet some of the carriage horses. I also got to watch them groom the horses and tack them up. When we went into the arena I was already wowed with amazement and the horses hadn’t even come out. The horses were so beautiful, first they did dressage where they tied the horse to the poles and it did its fancy footwork. Then they rode around the ring all in synchronization. After that they did my favorite part, the jumps! My favorite horse who did the jumps was frisky and was kicking the wall a lot but when he did his thing he jumped the highest! I identified with him because he was the only one who had his tail tied up. By the way, these horses were all stallions. After that they did more dressage but with the full grown horses. They were the best. After that we had to skedaddle because we had to catch a train but that was probably my highlight of Europe so far!

One Comment

  1. Lilia, I’m so happy that you were able to see and appreciate these beautiful and amazing horses.
    Truly, a lasting memory and you have some great photos and blog to trigger your experience.
    Thank you for sharing.
    G Pa

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