The first place we stayed in Ireland had a postcard with horse riding written on it. Dad called the older lady and she said she was free on Friday, December 10. Mom decided that she wanted to go riding too.
In the morning we drove down to the beach to meet her there at 9:30. She walked the horses down from her house and I immediately fell in love with an all-cinnamon colored one. Her name was Sea Girl and she was 16.5 hands tall, which is pretty big. We rode down onto the sand and after a few minutes I could tell that I had a lot to handle. She was afraid of the waves so whenever a big one came in she would trot up the hill. On our way back, Mom’s horse got spooked by a big wave and kind of just sat down so Mom got a bit wet from laying in the water. Sea Girl was awesome and she gave me a challenge which was great!