Kids Corner

Riding in the UK


Going horse riding in the UK was the best horse riding I had ever done. First of all, I didn’t just walk I trotted and cantered as well. I found posting while you were trot a little bit difficult but cantering felt really good. It was a beautiful hack because all the leaves were orange and the grass was green. My horse’s name was Marvin and my guide’s name was Ruth. Ruth was really fun and, like I said, she let me canter, which we were not supposed to do. When we got to the top, there were some cross-country jumps and Ruth asked me if I wanted to jump one and I said, “Yes!” We rode to the lowest one and we trotted and then jumped it. I cleared it the first time but the second time I fell off! I was already at a stop and on a grassy patch so it didn’t hurt too much. When I mounted back on we trotted down to the fire road and then slowed to a walk to go through the pack of retired horses. Eventually we were back at the ranch and while I waited for Mom, Dad and Max. I groomed Marvin, he was shinning when I was done. I had so much fun that I could have lived there!

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