This is my first time surfing and doing it on a trip. The town we stayed in was called Biarritz. We are only staying in Biarritz for three nights. The first day we got in the Basque country we did not surf because we did not have time because we had to eat diner and look at the rest of the town. The first night we had chicken burgers, the second night we had pesto pasta, the third night we went out for seafood. At the seafood place I got to try a sea snail. We also had, calamari, prawns (in French called crevettes), oysters and clams. The first full day of surfing I was just learning how but at the end it was awesome. The second day of surfing was awesome too and Mom got a longer board that Dad did not like. I never got brave enough to go out the back. At a swimming beach Dad went swimming in his underwear.

I’m so happy for your joy and accomplished surfing and for your delight in yummy seafood.
Well written summary.