Kids Corner

Longest Walking Suspension Bridge

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On Sunday morning we got on the train for one stop to hike up to the longest suspension bridge in the world. We walked through the little town of Randa and got to pet and feed our goat friends that we made the day before. Then we walked up some steps that got us into a field that had miniature ponies in it. We also saw this amazing deer with about 10 ladies with him. We started hiking up the steep, steep hill and that is when we saw the bridge. It was so long that I sat down on a rock and said I wasn’t going to do it (I ended up doing it in the end). When we got to the top it was really foggy so we waited and had some lunch. After about 10 minutes the fog cleared and we took our first step on. It was so shaky! When we got across we started walking down but then the fog cleared so Dad went to get a photo. After he got his photo we actually hiked down and got on the train to go make some soup at the house.

One Comment

  1. YOW!!!!!!! That was SCARY … walking through the fog, over ???? WAY cool, too!!!!!!!!!!!

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