Kids Corner

Dubrovnik Beaches


❤️ = favorite

In Dubrovnik (a town on the Adriatic Sea) we stayed at a really cute apartment that had a soccer field right below it. When we got off the bus we went to the apartment and put our bags down. Then, we got our swimsuits on and went down to a rocky swimming spot where you could dive off the rocks.

On the second day we swam underneath the walls of old town Dubrovnik where it was really deep ❤️ (we jumped off the rocks there too). The second beach on that day was cool because it had a cave and awesome rocks to jump off. Max and I also played a game of soccer on the field with some Croatian kids.

The next day Mom got to taste different Croatian wines at three wineries. On that day we had lunch and went swimming at this beach that had clay sand on the bottom.

On the last day in the morning we snorkeled and jumped off rocks out on the point. When we woke up the next morning we caught a bus to the ferry terminal in Split to go to an island called Vis!

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